Romanian Rape Suspect Said Confession Was Coerced

Romanian citizen Alexandru Loyos Isztoika, arrested in Rome for raping a teenage girl, said he was forced by investigators to admit guilt, and he withdrew his initial statement.


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Romanian Rape Suspect Said Confession Was Coerced

"I was forced to confess. Those statements were taken from me on the night of February 17, with violence and psychological pressure, including from Romanian police, Lozos said according to Il Messaggero.
Loyos, aged 20, told the preliminary investigation judge that on the night of February 14 he was in the Torrevecchia nomadic camp. Moreover, Lozos said he never pointed the finger at his alleged accomplice, Karol Racz (aged 36), who denied involvement the entire time.
Despite the confessions, the judge decided to place the two Romanian suspects under preventive arrest.
Alexandru Loyos Isztoika and Karol Racz were arrested earlier this week after a teenage girl was raped, last Saturday, in the Caffarella Park in Rome, and her companion was mugged.

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