Severin pressured to resign in ‘lobby for money’ row in EP

Both the European Socialists and the representatives of PSD, his own party, suggested him to resign. Anti-corruption prosecutors and the European Anti-Fraud Office are investigating the case. Severin suspended his PSD Vice President office and Permanent National Bureau membership.

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Imaginea articolului Severin pressured to resign in ‘lobby for money’ row in EP

Severin pressured to resign in ‘lobby for money’ row in EP

The 'lobby for money' row in the European Parliament (EP) has made its effects felt in Bucharest yesterday. Adrian Severin, one of the MEPs involved in it, currently in the crosshairs of the National Anti-Corruption Office (DNA) and OLAF, has suspended the leadership positions he held within the Social-Democrat Party (PSD) [...]

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