Analyst Expectations Improve For Romania’s Econ Outlook - ZEW

Financial analysts have improved in February their outlook on Romania’s economic evolution over the next six months, as Romania ranks fourth in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as far as outlook is concerned, according to a ZEW survey.


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Analyst Expectations Improve For Romania’s Econ Outlook - ZEW

The ZEW index of analyst expectations rose for Romania's economic evolution by 3.6 points, to 33.4 points.

For the entire CEE, the index rose 8.3 points, to 24.5 points.

Romania was outranked by Croatia - 41 points, the Czech Republic - 37.3 points and Poland - 37.5 points.

While experts are optimistic regarding Romania's economic outlook over the next six months, the perception of the current situation remains negative at 37.8 points, although it has improved by 12.2 points.

Romania's current situation ranks it second to last among CEE states, as Hungary ranked last with -38 points.

The Bucharest bourse's six-month outlook has worsened, according to the study, as the 10-share blue-chip index BET is awarded 21.9 points, compared to the previous 36.2 points.

The leu-to-euro ratio's evolution was also revised, gaining 2.7 points, to 15.2 points.

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