Bucharest Authorities Ban "Legal High" Shops Located Near Schools, Hospitals

Shops selling products made from hallucinogenic plants and located within 1.5 km of a school, dorm, hospital, church or train station have been banned in Bucharest, as per a decision by the city's council.


Imaginea articolului Bucharest Authorities Ban "Legal High" Shops Located Near Schools, Hospitals

Bucharest Authorities Ban "Legal High" Shops Located Near Schools, Hospitals

The decision says shops selling hallucinogenic plants and substances identified as harmful to the public's health may not be located within 1.5 km of a school, research institute, library, dorm, canteen, student culture hall, school camp, sports complex, children's club, church, hospital or train station.

The decision comes after Bucharest's School Inspectorate notified the Police, Gendarmerie and local authorities that stores selling products harmful to pupils are located in the vicinity of 39 schools.

In February, Romania's Government banned the distribution, sale and consumption of a series of plants and hallucinogenic substances.

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