Bucharest City Hall Candidate Sorin Oprescu Leaves Social Democrats

Romanian senator Sorin Oprescu announced he will resign from the Social Democratic Party.


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Bucharest City Hall Candidate Sorin Oprescu Leaves Social Democrats

Oprescu said he is resigning because he will run as independent candidate for Bucharest city hall and he would not want any misunderstandings in the matter.
Senatorul PSD Sorin Oprescu a declarat, marţi, pentru MEDIAFAX, că începe strângerea de semnături în vederea candidaturii sale ca independent la Primăria Capitalei.
Municipalitatea a aprobat amplasarea unor corturi în zece zone din Bucureşti pentru strângerea de semnături în vederea susţinerii candidaturii ca independent a lui Sorin Oprescu. Corturile au fost amplasate, începând de joi, în zone din Piaţa Domenii, Piaţa Sudului, Piaţa Progresului, Parcul Cişmigiu, Parcul Bazilescu, Parcul Carol I, Parcul Herăstrău, Piaţa Unirii, Parcul Izvor şi Parcul Titan.

Oprescu told MEDIAFAX Tuesday that he has started collecting signatures to run independent for the Bucharest city hall.
Several social democrat leaders said that Oprescu’s candidacy would cannibalize social democrat votes.
Oprescu said he does not rule out running for mayor as an independent candidate ever since the social democrats announced Marian Vanghelie as candidate.

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