Bucharest Court Rejects Former Social-Democrat Chairman Challenge against New Leadership

The Bucharest Court rejected on Friday a challenge made by former Social Democrat Party (PSD) chairman Liviu Dragnea on the validation of decisions taken at the party’s June congress, in which a new chairman was appointed following his imprisonment for corruption offences.


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Bucharest Court Rejects Former Social-Democrat Chairman Challenge against New Leadership

The decision thus validates the new party leadership, which was elected at the Congress. An appeal can be filed within 10 days.

The former social-democrat president challenged the fact that he had never resigned from his office after he was imprisoned, and until the June 29 Congress where the party elected Prime Minister Viorica Dancila as a chairman.

Alongside Dancila, the social-democrats elected Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici as the party’s executive chairman and Mihai Fifor as its secretary general.

Liviu Dragnea has been serving a three years and six months prison sentence since May 27, after he was found guilty on charges of instigating abuse of office.

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