Coronavirus: The Military Hospital in Bucharest, first medical unit of the country to be in quarantine

The Military Hospital "Dr. Carol Davila" is the first medical unit in Romania to enter, on Wednesday, as a precaution, in quarantine, due to coronavirus, as the management of the centre prohibited access of visitors to the hospital sections, officials told MEDIAFAX.


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Coronavirus: The Military Hospital in Bucharest, first medical unit of the country to be in quarantine

Relatives of patients admitted to the Military Hospital have a telephone number and a time interval at which they can call to request information on their condition.

"Basically, the visiting hours must be respected, the number of visitors limited, that is, the persons accompanying those with disabilities, those who cannot go alone, must come to the hospital. At the time of hospitalization, the pacients, with their approval, send the identification number to the relatives, this number can be subsequently used at a scheduled time for information regarding the medical evolution of the patient", Valeriu Gheorghiţă, primary doctor in the Military Hospital, told MEDIAFAX.

The hospital's management team argues the measures are limitative and that they are applied in the context of seasonal influenza, as many patients with flu symptoms come to the health care unit daily.

However, it is not yet known when the ban will be lifted to enter the hospital sections.

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