Dozens Of Police Unionists Protest At Interior Min HQ Over Food Benefit Cut, Layoff Plans

Dozens of Romanian police officers protest Monday at the headquarters of the Interior Ministry over authorities’ decision to reduce their food benefits in June and plans to continue layoffs.


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Dozens Of Police Unionists Protest At Interior Min HQ Over Food Benefit Cut, Layoff Plans

Police officers threatened they will cease activity if ministry officials disregard their complaints.

"The measure cutting food benefits is illegal and the Government must find a solution in its meeting Wednesday, otherwise we will halt activity," said union leader Marin Gruia.

Gruia added protests will continue in the next days with more police officers to join demonstrations. The union leader said ministry officials invited unionists to talks Tuesday in a bid to find a solution to the problem.

The Interior Ministry decided last week to reduce employees' food benefits to 130 lei (about EUR30) from RON720. The measure will be applied only in June and the money will be entirely recovered in the next three months.

Interior Minister Traian Igas said Thursday that, considering the budget allotted to the institution for 2011, the ministry must be restructured and layoffs will start in about a month. He added the reorganization process was hindered as the ministry's layoff bill did not pass the Parliament last month.

The institution's budget for 2011 amounts to about EUR1.7 billion, or 1.38% of the gross domestic product. It states 18,000 ministry employees will be laid off this year in two stages. (EUR1=RON4.1344)

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