EU Justice Commissioners Meets With President, Justice Minister

The European Commissioner for Justice, Vera Jourova, is carrying out an official visit to Bucharest on Monday and Tuesday, where she is scheduled to meet to with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, Justice Minister Tudoreul Toader and Supreme Court Chairman Cristina Tarcea.


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EU Justice Commissioners Meets With President, Justice Minister

The EU dignitary also has meetings scheduled with Finance Minister Eugen Teodorovici, the chairman of the country’s top consumer safety watchdog ANPC, Marius Parvu, and the chairman of data protection regulator ANSPDCP, Ancuta Gianina Opre.

“The purpose of the visit is to discuss priorities in field of justice in the context of the upcoming EU Council Presidency and about the evolutions in Romania’s judicial system,” according to a press release of the European Commission’s representation to Romania.

The commissioner’s visit comes following a tense week between EU institutions and Romanian authorities on the subject of the country’s judicial system. Last week, the European Commission published a highly critical CVM report on Romania, urging the country’s ruling coalition to stop its judicial overhaul process and the government to halt all procedures of appointing and dismissing top prosecutors.

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