Five more deaths, reported by GCS on Wednesday. The toll reaches 362 deaths due to COVID-19

Five more deaths have been reported Wednesday by the Strategic Communication Group (GCS), and the total number reaches 362 people who lost their lives in Romania due to infection with the new coronavirus.


Imaginea articolului Five more deaths, reported by GCS on Wednesday. The toll reaches 362 deaths due to COVID-19

Five more deaths, reported by GCS on Wednesday

According to the quoted source, it is about a woman, 66 years old from Ialomiţa county.

„Date of admission: 22.03.2020 directly on the ATI Section. Test date: 23.03.2020. Result date: 24.03.2020. Date of death: 14.04.2020. Background: HTA, type II diabetes, insulin-dependent, cardiovascular disease”, according to GCS information.

Also, a 73-year-old man from Botoşani county died from COVID-19.

„Date of admission to the cardiology department of Mavromaţi county Hospital 05.04.2020. Harvest date: 09.04.2020. Date of result: 09.04.2020. Date of death: 13.04.2020. Background: cardio-vascular disease, diabetes ”, according to GCS.

The 360 death is related to a man, 61 years old, from Botoşani county.

„Date of admission to the cardiology section of the Mavromaţi County Hospital 07.04.2020. Date of test: 10.04.2020. Date of result: 10.04.2020. Date of death: 14.04.2020. Background: cardiovascular disease”, shows the Strategic Communication Group.

These last two people were salon colleagues and contacts with a confirmed medical case by department.

The death of a 74-year-old man from Botoşani county was also reported on Wednesday.

„Date of admission to the Infectious Diseases section of the Mavromaţi county Hospital 09.04.2020. Date of harvest: 11.04.2020. Date of result: 12.04.2020. Date of death: 14.04.2020. Background: cardio-vascular disease, HTA, type II diabetes mellitus”, shows GCS.

The death of a 55-year-old man from Bistriţa Năsăud county was also reported on Wednesday.

„Date of admission: 12.04.2020 - Beclean CPU - transferred to the Heart Institute of Cluj Napoca on 13.04.2020. Date of harvest: 13.04.2020. Result date: 14.04.2020. Date of death: 14.04.2020. Background: cardio-vascular disease, HTA, IMA in the background, stroke in the background", according to the source mentioned.

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