Ford Romania To Become Export Center For Europe In 2018

Ford Romania will become Ford Motor Co.'s export center for Europe in 2018, or even sooner, in 2016, and the local auto market will sell 500,000 cars annually, Ford Romania’s National Sales Company managing director Paul Flanagan said Tuesday.


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Ford Romania To Become Export Center For Europe In 2018

Flanagan said that, once the sales company is set up, car dealer networks will extend to include four other partners and new showrooms in Botosani, Slobozia, Giurgiu, Zalau, Vaslui and Calarasi.

Flanagan said U.S. carmaker Ford also received requests from foreign partners to open car dealerships in Romania, adding the company does not plan to further extend its car dealer network.

The Ford official also pointed out that local car dealers' data reporting system is inadequate compared to the British reporting system which offers analyses by the hour.

According to Flanagan, the office to set up Ford Romania's National Sales Company was opened early April, adding the company has already started to recruit staff.

On August 1, Ford Romania will open the National Sales Company which will take over the activity of Ford dealer Romcar.

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