Fourteen Romanians Killed In Road Accident In Hungary

Fourteen Romanians were killed Sunday evening on a highway in Hungary when the microbus taking them to Romania was hit by a truck, the Romanian Foreign Ministry said Monday.


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Fourteen Romanians Killed In Road Accident In Hungary

Two other people were badly injured in the accident and have been hospitalized in Szeged, Hungary.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Doris Mircea said the victims include three children, aged 7 to 14.

The accident occurred half an hour before midnight when a heavy truck heading for Budapest from Arad, western Romania, swerved and ended up on the opposite lane, hitting the microbus head-on.

Mircea said the microbus, registered in Spain, was coming from Valencia and was heading for Bucharest.

Hungarian police said preliminary investigations suggest the truck driver may have fallen asleep behind the wheel.

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