General Prosecutor to File Candidacy for New Term

Romanian General Prosecutor Augustin Lazar announced on Monday that he will file his candidacy for a new term in office, after the country’s Justice Ministry announced that it started procedures to appoint a new general prosecutor once his current term expires on April 28.


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General Prosecutor to File Candidacy for New Term

In a statement, the General Prosecutor’s Office argued that Lazar should obtain a new term in order to continue current projects and commitments related to Romania’s current EU Council presidency.

Romania’s Justice Ministry announced last week that it launched the procedure to appoint a new general prosecutor, whose nomination should be ready by the time Lazar’s current term expires. The procedure will last until April 5.

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader previously tried to dismiss Augustin Lazar from the office in October 2018, with his request rejected at the beginning of 2019 by President Klaus Iohannis.

According to Romanian law, the country’s general prosecutor is nominated by the justice minister and appointed by the president.

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