Health Minister: We Will Decide Next Week Whether To Declare Flu Epidemic

Romanian Health Minister Sorina Pintea announced on Friday that the ministry will decide next week whether to declare a flu epidemic, with a report of the recent growth in cases to be discussed on Wednesday.


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Health Minister: We Will Decide Next Week Whether To Declare Flu Epidemic

“We will declare an epidemic depending on the number of cases registered (…) I have asked for the report to be made earlier, on Tuesday, and during the evening or on Wednesday we will make the decision (to declare an epidemic, ed.) should the number of cases be higher than estimated,” the health minister said on Friday.

Pintea added that schools will not be closed for the duration of the epidemic, but that individual classes and schools can request suspension if flu-related absenteeism is higher than 20%.

She added that the ministry instructed local public health directorates to recommend people to take flu shots and to get themselves checked at family doctors before rushing to hospitals.

The minister’s statements come as the death toll caused by the disease reached 36 for the season on Friday, while 5,823 cases were reported in schools.


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