Hundreds Protest Across Romania Over New Labor Laws

Hundreds of unionists are protesting Thursday outside prefects’ offices and headquarters of the ruling Democratic Liberal Party in cities across the country, disgruntled with new labor laws for which the Government seeks a confidence vote in Parliament next week.


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Hundreds Protest Across Romania Over New Labor Laws

In the central county of Alba, over 700 people are picketing the prefects' office and calling for the resignation of the Government and President Traian Basescu. In the western city of Deva, about 500 people are picketing the local headquarters of the ruling Democratic Liberal Party.

In the western city of Arad, about one hundred people staged a spontaneous protest in the city center. People are also protesting in the southern city of Ploiesti.

Romania's Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament to pass new labor legislation next Tuesday, March 8, and amendments to the bill are expected until Friday evening.

The opposition has said it will submit a no-confidence motion in Parliament over new labor legislation. The motion needs to garner 236 votes to topple the Government.

Prime Minister Emil Boc said he is not nervous about the opposition's vote of no confidence. Boc's Government has survived several votes of no confidence prompted by the austerity measures it implemented because of the economic and financial crisis.

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