Hungarian Foreign Minister: We Will Never Support Attacks Against Romania In The EU Parliament

Hungarian Foreign Affairs Minister Peter Szijarto stated on Friday, in a speech held in Romania’s Parliament headquarters, that his country’s MEP will vote in favor of Romania in the European Parliament if it is subjected to an attack based on “ biased opinions”.


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Hungarian Foreign Minister: We Will Never Support Attacks Against Romania In The EU Parliament

“We consider Romania a strategic partner and our goal is to build the strategic partnership and the friendship between the two countries, because it is obvious that we are facing similar provocations, we are under the pressure of foreign attacks against the two countries. I clearly told the chairman (of Romania’s Lower Chamber, ed.) that if there will be an attack launched against Romania in the European Parliament, based on biased opinions, Hungarian MEPs of the ruling party will vote in favor of Romania,” Szijarto said during his speech.

The Hungarian dignitary also met with Romanian Lower Chamber Chairman Liviu Dragnea earlier in the day.

The European Parliament will vote during its November 14 a resolution regarding the state of the rule of law in Romania, according to the tentative meeting schedule published by the institution.


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