Iohannis, on the EU budget negotiations: The result is disappointing. There has been no progress

President Klaus Iohannis has said in Brussels, on Friday, that the result is disappointing in the negotiations of the EU budget, indicating that no progress has been made. The head of state added in this regard that "at least one more summit" will be needed.


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Iohannis, on the EU budget negotiations: The result is disappointing. There has been no progress

"We have shown that a sufficiently large budget is needed as a whole to be able to finance other Union projects, modernization, research and so on. The opinions were quite divided, I have to say things by name. (...) Most of us want a budget at least as much as proposed or larger. Informal, bilateral discussions followed, with representatives of the states with the leadership of the Council and the Commission. These discussions lasted until 6:00 in the morning when I joined my team in negotiations. The result is at least so far disappointing, I cannot say that progress has been made, the positions have not approached and today, after a few minutes, we are again sitting in a plenary session", said the president, in Brussels.

The president added that most of those present at the negotiations are skeptical of progress.

"We are trying to see if we can make progress in these negotiations. It would be good to make some progress but most of us, I have to admit, are pretty skeptical. (...) There will be at least one more summit. Things, if they are going to advance like today and last night, will require many more meetings", said Iohannis.

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