Liberals Orban, Antonescu To Run For Party President

Romanian Liberal Party spokesman Bogdan Olteanu said Wednesday after the party’s standing delegation meeting that party vice-presidents Ludovic Orban and Crin Antonescu announced they would run for party president.


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Liberals Orban, Antonescu To Run For Party President

"During today’s meeting, our colleagues Crin Antonescu and Ludovic Orban both announced they would run for party president,” Olteanu said.
Orban said he reconfirmed his plan to run for party president, targeting to win the next parliamentary elections and bring the party back at the helm of the country.
"I have reconfirmed my intention to run for party president with the clear goal of winning the future parliamentary elections and to rid Romania this year of the last relic of the communist regime, namely Traian Basescu," Orban said after the party meeting.
Asked whether he considered it might be a disadvantage for himself and Antonescu to be both running against current party leader Calin Tariceanu, Orban said there is no talk of disadvantages, but of competition.
Asked to comment on the party’s internal competition involving Orban and Antonescu, Tariceanu said he finds competition natural and welcome.
Liberals will elect new leaders during a congress to take place on March 21 and 22, Tariceanu said.

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