Moldovan Poet Grigore Vieru Dies In Hospital Following Severe Car Crash

Moldovan poet and writer Grigore Vieru, 73, died Sunday morning at the Emergency Hospital in Moldova’s capital city Chisinau despite doctors’ efforts, the local PRO TV station informed Sunday.


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Moldovan Poet Grigore Vieru Dies In Hospital Following Severe Car Crash

Vieru was committed to hospital Thursday night in critical condition, following a severe car crash on his way to Chisinau.

Vieru was born on February 14, 1935 in the village of Pererita, Briceni district, in the north of Moldova, and made his debut as writer in 1957 with a booklet of poetry for children called “Alarma” (The Alarm).
In 1990, Vieru was elected Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy and in 2000 he was awarded the Eminescu Medal by the Romanian government at the time.
He first visited Romania in 1973 and said at the time that he had dreamed of crossing the Prut River his entire life.

In 1974 and 1977, he had the opportunity to visit Romania's capital city Bucharest, as well as other large towns across the country.



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