Police Raids Media Co Following Complaints Of Unlicensed Software Use

Police units descended on an office belonging to media company Inform Media, in western Romanian city Timisoara, after receiving a complaint according to which the company was using unlicensed software.


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Police Raids Media Co Following Complaints Of Unlicensed Software Use

Timis County Police spokesperson Marinela Apostolache told MEDIAFAX that there was an unannounced descend by police at Inform Media Saturday, after a complaint was received, claiming the company was using unlicensed software .
"It was an authorized search. (…) there were no items seized, but the evidence collected on site will be analyzed. The action took place when the Prosecution office received a complaint from the software owners, according to which Inform Media did not have licenses for the software used," Apostolache said.
According to the quoted source, investigations continue under the supervision of prosecutors.
Inform Media SRL is part of an Austrian group unfolding activities in Austria, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine.

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