Reuters: Romania not Using Huawei Equipment for Essential Communications Infrastructure

Romania is not using any equipment made by Chinese tech giant Huawei in the essential infrastructure managed by its Special Telecommunications Service (STS), the agency announced in a statement sent to Reuters.


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Reuters: Romania not Using Huawei Equipment for Essential Communications Infrastructure

This is despite the fact that the Romanian Government and Huawei signed a memorandum in 2013, which offered the Chinese company the possibility to take part in constructing Romania’s national information and telecommunications system and in monitoring government online traffic and services.

The agency, which is Romania’s top public authority in essential communications and information infrastructure, specified that it was not consulted regarding that the document and is not involved in its implementation.

This comes amid reports that Washington is concerned with Huawei's expansion in NATO member states from Central and Eastern Europe, including Hungary and Poland, because of the company’s ties with the Chinese Government. The US accused that Huawei equipment could be used by Beijing for spying.


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