Romania: 150,000 teachers are on strike

The Education union leaders in Romania announced after negotiations on Sunday afternoon that a general strike would begin on Monday, when 150,000 teachers would be on strike.


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Romania: 150,000 teachers are on strike

The leaders of the education unions stated that the Government came "with the same offer as in the last few days".

More than 150,000 teachers and 50,000 - 60,000 non-teaching and auxiliary staff started a general strike on Monday, but the trade unionists declare themselves "open to negotiations".

Union leaders said bonuses for first-time teachers and those in disadvantaged areas were mentioned in the negotiations, without setting a clear timetable.

The unions say that the duration of the strike will depend on the response the Government will give and until those who joined its initiation will give up.

They are advising parents to keep their children home on Monday, even though schools will not close.

The Government announced, after negotiations, that the Work Ministry must come up with the project for the new wage law by July 15, and the approval would take place only after September 1.

The dialogue with union representatives will continue.

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