Romania Could Make Energy Certificates For Buildings Mandatory As Of March

Romanian could make energy certification for buildings mandatory as of March if the government approves the Development’s Ministry’s emergency decree regulating it, the ministry said Thursday.


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Romania Could Make Energy Certificates For Buildings Mandatory As Of March

The certificate, which would be required for all real estate transactions, tells the prospective buyer or tenant about the apartment's energetic efficiency, expressed generally through the total yearly energy consumption, in kilowatts per hour per square meter, integrating it into an energetic class (from the A- high-efficiency class to the G- low efficiency class).

Development ministry officials had a meeting Wednesday with notaries, realtors, energy auditors, homeowners and university teachers to discuss the introduction of mandatory energy certification, which was supposed to enter force as of January 1.

Late December 2009, realtors called on the government to postpone the measure until the second half of 2010 saying authorities first need to develop and authorize an efficient and fast computerized certification methodology, and a database of the standardized technical indicators needed for the certification of residential buildings constructed between 1960 and 1990, which make up a significant part of the Romanian housing pool.

The ministry said in its news release Thursday the energy certification issue has been included on the government's working agenda and certification would be mandatory as of March this year if the decree passes.

Most buildings in Romania fall into the C and D efficiency classes, with annual energy consumption of over 200 kilowatts per square meter. According to an emergency decree passed last year, the government targets annual energy consumption at less than 100 kilowatts per square meter.

Energy certificates are valid for ten years and are issued by certified energy auditors.

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