Romania Declares Flu Epidemic As Disease Death Toll Reaches 54

Romanian Health Minister Sorina Pintea officially declared a flu epidemic thoughout the country on Wednesday morning, following three consecutive weeks in which the number of new cases outgrew predictions and 54 deaths caused by the disease.


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Romania Declares Flu Epidemic As Disease Death Toll Reaches 54

The minister said that the base flu virus spread through the epidemic manifests in lesser and medium forms of intensity, and is fully countered by flu shots distributed throughout the country.

“We cannot say we are facing a more severe flu season compared to the previous one, but there was a higher number of deaths recorded in less time. The difference is that we have a bigger number of cases and a bigger number of clinically confirmed cases. The flu is evolving all around the country, even if it does so at different intensities,” Pintea said in a press conference on Wednesday.

She added that specialists estimate the intense circulation of the virus to continue throughout February.

The Health Ministry previously announced on Tuesday evening that the virus caused the death of 54 people since the start of the current flu season, of which 49 were also suffering from other medical conditions.

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