Romania Doubles Prizes For Beijing Olympics Winners

The Romanian government doubled Wednesday the sum granted under the law to athletes who secured medals or won at least sixth place in this year’s Beijing Olympics and grants, including for coaches, top EUR5 million, Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said.


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Romania Doubles Prizes For Beijing Olympics Winners

Tariceanu met with Romanian athletes before the Cabinet meeting Wednesday.

Under the law, athletes winning Olympic gold are entitled to EUR35,000, silver - EUR28,000 and bronze - EUR21,000.

The law also stipulates the sums may be doubled at the proposal of the president of the Romanian Olympic and Sporting Committee, and Romania has always doubled these grants.

Beside medalists, athletes occupying the fourth place are entitled to EUR14,000,  fifth place - EUR10,500 and sixth place - EUR7,000.

The law does not allow the doubling of prizes for places 4 to 6, but the government adopted a decision in this respect.

Of the 102 Romanian athletes who competed in the Beijing Olympics, 33 athletes received a total EUR1.47 million, while the remainder went to coaches, staff of sporting federations, the Olympic Committee and the National Sporting Agency.

Romanian athletes brought home four gold medals, one silver and three bronze in this year’s Olympics.

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