Romania Forex Reserves Drop to EUR31.922B in January

Romania's foreign exchange reserves fell to EUR31.922 billion at the end of January from EUR33.065 billion at the end of 2018, central bank data showed Friday.


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Romania Forex Reserves Drop to EUR31.922B in January

The country had foreign currency inflows of EUR1.572 billion and outflows of EUR2.715 billion in January, of which EUR1.037 billion were payments on public and publicly guaranteed debt, the data showed.

Romania's gold reserve remained steady at 103.7 metric tons and its value adjusted for international gold price stood at EUR3.843 billion billion compared with EUR3.735 billion end-December 2018.

Overall international reserves stood at EUR35.765, from EUR36.8 billion end-December.

Payments due on public and publicly guaranteed external debt in February amount to EUR247 million.

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