Romania May Have First Liquefied Gas Terminal In 2 Yrs

Romania’s first liquefied natural gas terminal might become functional in about two years, following an investment of a few hundred million euros, said Thursday Iulian Iancu, the president of the Chamber of Deputies’ Industry and Services Committee.


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Romania May Have First Liquefied Gas Terminal In 2 Yrs

The authorities are targeting Qatar as the terminal’s main gas supplier, Iancu said at the Mediafax Talks about Energy conference.

The value of the investment will be influenced by several factors, as the project’s capacity, the way of developing the terminal and the shareholding structure, he added

"The quantity estimated so far is of one billion cubic meters of gas per year," Iancu said, adding that this is a strategic investment for Romania.

Other partners taken into account by Romania in this project are Algeria, Egypt or Irak.

The secretary of state with the Economy Ministry Tudor Serban said that Romania has received 3-4 proposals from companies interested in this project.

"There is an offer from a neighboring country for a liquefied natural gas terminal. There also is an on-land proposal (for the terminal’s construction - e.n.), but there are two restrictions: the transit of ships through the Bosfor gut and the near-time perspective of another terminal on the other side of the Black Sea," Serban, adding that Romania carried several talks with states as Azerbaijan or Armenia.

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