Romania’s Dacia Starts Trading New Sandero Hatch In June

Automobile Dacia SA, the Romanian unit of French carmaker Renault (13190.FR), will launch its brand new five-door hatch Sandero in June, Dacia president Francois Fourmont said Tuesday.


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Romania’s Dacia Starts Trading New Sandero Hatch In June

“Sandero is due for trading by the end of June. The Logan Sedan facelift will be launched afterward, and in the next few weeks we will decide whether we will launch facelift versions for the other Dacia models (break, van and pick-up),” Fourmont said.
He mentioned 12 distributors already set up units nationwide for the new Sandero model, and five of them are located on Dacia’s platform in Mioveni, central Romania.
Sandero is based on the Renault Sandero model, which is traded in Brazil and Argentina.
Dacia Sandero comes in four engine versions, two on gas and two diesels. The topnotch version will not exceed EUR9,500.
This is the fifth model Renault and Dacia manufacture based on the Logan (B0) platform, after Logan Sedan, Logan MCV, Logan VAN and Logan Pick-Up.

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