Romania’s Draft Constitution: Govt May Seek Confidence Vote Once In Parliamentary Session

The Romanian Government may seek lawmakers’ confidence vote only once in a parliamentary session, except when the state budget and the social security budget laws are concerned, says the draft revised Constitution, published Wednesday by the Presidential Administration.


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Romania’s Draft Constitution: Govt May Seek Confidence Vote Once In Parliamentary Session

The bill revising the Constitution limits to one the number of confidence vote procedures the Government may initiate during a parliamentary session for a political program or a draft law. This provision does not apply to situations concerning the state budget and the social security budget laws.

If the head of state asks for a law to be reexamined, the Parliament will debate the articles indicated by the president and the entire law will be put to the vote, says the bill.

According to the draft revised Constitution, Romania will have a single-chamber Parliament with 300 lawmakers. The Parliament will debate and vote on bills in two successive readings, at least 30 days apart.

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