Romania’s Frame-Law On Healthcare To Be Completed By December 15-20 - Minister

Romania’s Health Minister Ladislau Ritli said Tuesday the frame-law on healthcare, which is currently at the health ministry for debates, will be completed by December 15 or December 20.


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Romania’s Frame-Law On Healthcare To Be Completed By December 15-20 - Minister

Speaking after a meeting with health committee MPs, Ritli said the healthcare frame-law states the implementation of a minimum drug and medical service package. People may also buy voluntary insurance for services that are not included in the respective package.

The minister said the minimum medical service package will be regulated by another normative act. He pointed out that the current medical service package is unlimited, which he described as "unrealistic".

Ritli said in October authorities will draw up by mid-December a list of drugs and medical tests whose costs will no longer be covered by the state.

"A minimum medical service package will be set next year. Until then, we will have a list to include drugs and medical tests whose costs will no longer be covered by the state," the minister said at that time.

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