Romania’s Govt Debates Draft Law Regulating Family Allowances

Romania’s Government Monday will debate a draft law which states that single-parent family allowances and complementary family allowances will merge, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.


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Romania’s Govt Debates Draft Law Regulating Family Allowances

According to the sources, the draft law also reduces the ceiling up to which family allowances will be granted to 370 lei (EUR1=RON4.2326) per family member, from a previous RON470.

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan told MEDIAFAX last week that social benefits to be granted to individuals and families would not exceed a maximum cap to be set by the Social Code, a normative act that must be finished by the end of October. He highlighted that the new normative act will direct funds from the social security budget only to individuals and families who really need financial help. The minister said that a part of the benefits granted currently will be eliminated. He added that the Social Code will comprise all laws regarding social assistance.

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