Romania's PC Software Piracy Rate Dn 1 Pct In 2009, To 65% - BSA

The rate of software piracy dropped to 65% in Romania in 2009, from 66% in 2008 and losses triggered by software piracy decreased by 22.5%, to $183 million, from $249 million in 2008, according to a report drawn up by Business Software Alliance (BSA).


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Romania's PC Software Piracy Rate Dn 1 Pct In 2009, To 65% - BSA

Since 2005, the rate of software piracy has decreased by 7 percentage points in Romania, from 72%.

According to BSA, the value of pirated software applications exceeded $51 billion in 2009.

In 2009, Georgia registered the highest piracy rate (95%), followed by Zimbabwe (92%) and Bangladesh and the Republic of Moldova (91% each). The United States reported the lowest piracy rate last year, namely 20%.

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