Romania’s Public Sector Unitary Pay Law Can Be Applied As Of 2021 - Union Leader

Romania’s unitary wage law for the public sector will be applicable as of 2021, Vasile Marica, head of the "Sed Lex" union federation, said Tuesday following a meeting of the working group drafting the law.


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Romania’s Public Sector Unitary Pay Law Can Be Applied As Of 2021 - Union Leader

Marica added he expects fights between different categories of public sector employees staring next week. The union leader said the current state of things is general chaos, but he expects fights starting next week, as each category so far defined its position and will soon start defending it.

He also said that politicians are on election campaign and the government will not admit that this law will not be applicable as of 2013 as planned, and according to unions’ estimations the law will only be applicable as of 2021.

Labor minster Marian Sarbu told MEDIAFAX late April that the new unitary wage grid for the public sector would be applied as of January 1, 2013. he also said at that time that the law would be drafted by the end of this year and would become effective on January 1, 2010.


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