Romania’s Supreme Court: Cases To Stay With 2018 Five-Judge Panels If No Evidence Was Submitted

Romania’s Supreme Court decided on Thursday that all cases which were assigned to five-judge panels drawn in December 2018 will remain with the same panels, if no evidence was submitted, instead of being assigned to the panels selected for 2019.


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Romania’s Supreme Court: Cases To Stay With 2018 Five-Judge Panels If No Evidence Was Submitted

The court’s United Sections decided to reject a challenge made by one of its five-judge panels and its Criminal Section regarding the panels.

Thursday's ruling maintains a decision initially taken by the Prosecutors’ Section of the country’s top judicial watchdog CSM.

The decision regards high-profile appeal cases involving, among others, Lower Chamber Chairman Liviu Dragnea, Senate Chairman Calin Popescu Tariceanu, former Prime Minister Victor Ponta and fugitive businessman Sebastian Ghita, whose appeals were assigned to five-judge panels selected in December 2018.


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