Romania: The Social-Democratic Party (PSD) and the Liberal Party (PNL) leaders will meet on Tuesday at the Parliament Palace

The Social-Democratic Party (PSD) and the Liberal Party (PNL) leaders will meet on Tuesday at the Parliament Palace for negotiations on forming a government alliance. A team will be set up to standardize the two governing programs, announces the president of PSD, Marcel Ciolacu.


Imaginea articolului Romania: The Social-Democratic Party (PSD) and the Liberal Party (PNL) leaders will meet on Tuesday at the Parliament Palace

Romania: The Social-Democratic Party (PSD) and the Liberal Party (PNL) leaders will meet on Tuesday at the Parliament Palace

"Today (Tuesday) will be formed, I think, the team that will start to standardize the two governing programs, of PNL and PSD. But it will be a meeting with UDMR and minorities, because this alliance will be formed, if successful, from PSD, PNL, UDMR and minorities", announces Marcel Ciolacu, who states that the meeting with the liberals will take place at the Parliament Palace.

He reiterated the idea that the negotiations would take into account the parliamentary weight of each political party.

"I think that such a thing is not possible", says Ciolacu, asked if PSD could give up both the position of prime minister and the minister of Finance.

At the same time, the PSD leader states that all parliamentary parties must be involved in amending the Constitution.

The PNL has decided, on Monday evening, to form a government with PSD. 50 PNL leaders voted to continue negotiations with PSD, and 21 opposed.

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