Romanian Ban On Pension-Wage Cumulus May Be Lifted On Jan 1, ‘11

Romanian Labor Minister Mihai Seitan said Wednesday in the Senate labor committee that the ban on the pension – wage cumulus may be lifted on January 1, 2011, adding this measure “was not imposed forever”.


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Romanian Ban On Pension-Wage Cumulus May Be Lifted On Jan 1, ‘11

"The pension - wage cumulus will be available after the crisis, and the measure to ban it was only set up for this interval, it was not imposed forever," Seitan said, adding the ban could be lifted on January 1, 2010.

Over 600 chose the wage instead of the pension, and requested the suspension of their state pension in order to continue working in the public sector, according to data centralized by the Romanian National Pensions and Social Security House.

The provisions of Chapter IV of Law no. 329/2009 concern pensioners who receive salaries by performing an activity on the basis of an individual labor contract, or appointment to a public authority, national company or other company where the state owns the majority of capital.

If a person receives a pension from the public pension system as well as from the other non-integrated systems, or from non-integrated systems exclusively, the ceiling will be computed by adding together all the pensions. If this cumulus exceeds the gross average salary, then the person may only add the salary to one pension, of their choosing, which is lower than the gross average salary, the ministry said.

Pensioners who are in this situation were forced to express their choice in writing: either suspend payment of the pension or suspending work relations, or selecting the pension which meets the law's requirement and which will be added to the salary.

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