Romanian Carmaker Dacia Launches Logan Sedan Facelift Tuesday

Automobile Dacia SA, the Romanian unit of French carmaker Renault, will launch Tuesday the Logan Sedan facelift to boost sales for this car model and bring it to the producer’s new design line, which can be seen at Sandero model.


Dacia – Renault officials previously said the facelift would target the Logan Sedan model.

 Jacques Daniel, sales manager of Dacia, Renault and Nissan in Romania, however, declined to mention whether Logan facelift would be more expensive or cheaper than the current model.
Moreover, Dacia will launch next year a 1.6-liter engine, 133 HP – same as Renault Twingo Sport - sports Logan Sedan, according to world Sandero product manager Sophie Albertus.
Since the launch of Logan model in 2004, Renault has sold over one million units worldwide, under Dacia and Renault brands.
In 2007, over 100,000 Logan cars were sold in Romania alone, followed by Russia (nearly 68,000 units) and France (over 32,000 units).

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