Romanian Democrat Liberals Forward PM Proposition To President – Sources

Romanian democrat liberals forwarded a proposition for prime minister to President Traian Basescu, who is likely to make an announcement in this respect around noon, sources close to the matter said Thursday.


Imaginea articolului Romanian Democrat Liberals Forward PM Proposition To President – Sources

Romanian Democrat Liberals Forward PM Proposition To President – Sources

The same sources said Lucian Croitoru, adviser to central bank governor Mugur Isarescu, has been floated within the Democratic Liberal Party among the potential technocratic prime ministers Basescu thought about. They also said Croitoru is highly likely to be voiced out as Basescu's proposition for prime minister.

Basescu on Wednesday said he asked the parties to continue discussions on nominating a new prime minister "until tomorrow around noon."

Basescu also said Romania currently needs a prime minister with economic experience, in connection with banks and international financial and economic institutions.

Romanian democrat liberal Prime Minister Emil Boc's minority government lost a confidence vote in Parliament Tuesday, less than two months before presidential elections on November 22. However, his government stays in office, with limited powers, until a new government is sworn in.

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