Romanian Democrat Liberals Keep Same Stand On Coalition With Magyar Union – Magyar Head

Head of the Magyar democratic Union in Romania, Marko Bela, said Wednesday following another meeting with the democrat liberals that the latter party is maintaining its position to have the Union as partners in the coalition Government.


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Romanian Democrat Liberals Keep Same Stand On Coalition With Magyar Union – Magyar Head

“We further agree to have a collaboration between the Democratic Liberal Party and the Magyar Democratic Union for the interest of the new Government, and our peers in the Democratic Liberal Party maintain their position to have the Union in the new coalition and the future Government,” Marko said.

The Magyar Democratic Union will continue negotiations regarding the terms of its presence in such a governmental scenario, he added.

To this purpose, he invited leaders of the territorial branches of the Magyar Democratic Union to meetings with the Union’s Standing Council in Bucharest, to make decisions concerning this coalition, Marko announced.

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