Romanian Draft 2011 State, Social Security Budgets Debated In Parliament Committees This Weekend

The Romanian Parliament budget and finance committees will debate the draft 2011 state budget law and the draft social security budget for next year on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and the two acts will be up for plenary debates in Parliament staring next week.


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Romanian Draft 2011 State, Social Security Budgets Debated In Parliament Committees This Weekend

According to lower chamber secretary Dumitru Pardau, the decision was taken by the standing offices of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies on Monday, with 16 votes in favor, three votes against and two abstentions.

Lawmakers can submit amendments to the two draft laws on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Pardau said the two standing offices also talked about the likelihood that a no-confidence motion will be submitted after the Government seeks lawmakers' confidence vote to pass into legislation an IMF-required unitary wage bill.

According to Pardau, if a no-confidence motion is submitted, it will be read before the Parliament Thursday and will be debated on December 20.

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said early December the Government will seek a confidence vote in Parliament on December 14 to push the wage bill through parliament.

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