Romanian Draft Constitution: Magistrates On High Council Limited To One Term

Romania's High Council of Magistrates (CSM) will have six members representing civil society, three appointed by the Parliament and three by the head of state, says the draft revised Constitution, which also states the Council members may not run for more than one term.


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Romanian Draft Constitution: Magistrates On High Council Limited To One Term

According to the draft Constitution, the Council has 19 members, including: ten elected by the magistrates' general assemblies and validated by the Parliament (five judges and five prosecutors), six representatives of civil society, acknowledged for their high professional and moral reputation, the minister of justice, the president of the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the general prosecutor.

The members are elected for six-year terms, which may not be extended or renewed. The Council's president is elected from the membership for a one-year term, which may be renewed only once.

The Council's decisions must be taken through a public vote, the draft says.

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