Romanian Environ Min Says Romania Not In Danger Of Red Sludge Contamination

Romanian Environment Minister Laszlo Borbely said Friday information received from Hungarian experts shows the Danube River is not in danger of contamination with toxic red sludge at its point of entry in Romania, but Romanian authorities are prepared to intervene.


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Romanian Environ Min Says Romania Not In Danger Of Red Sludge Contamination

He said the spill of toxic red sludge that burst out of a Hungarian factory's reservoir is expected to reach Bazias, the entrance point of the Danube in western Romania, Monday around noon at the earliest.

The spill reached the Danube in Hungary Thursday afternoon. The toxic mud left four dead, four others missing, destroyed five homes completely and damaged 250 others. Six thousand people in the area have been evacuated.

Borbely underscored neither Romania or Bulgaria face contamination, as Hungarian authorities are working to limit the content of heavy metals in the water and lower the river's pH.

The minister added Romania has no intention of suing the neighboring country.

Also Friday, Romanian water administration officials said Danube water at Bazias is within normal parameters and its pH is around the normal value of 8.5.

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