Romanian Forestry Co Romsilva To Lay Off 1,000 Employees In 2009

Romanian forest administration company Romsilva will lay off at least 1,000 employees this year, following forests reconveyance and reorganization, the company’s general manager, Florian Munteanu, said Thursday.


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Romanian Forestry Co Romsilva To Lay Off 1,000 Employees In 2009

According to a law draft on the social protection measures for Romsilva laid off personnel, the restructuring program will end in 2010, after it was extended once more to the end of 2008.
According to the draft, the total number of people to be laid off will be reduced from the initial 7,048 to 4,240 employees.
Romsilva sacked 798 people in 2006, 1,075 in 2007 and estimated it would lay off another 550 people by the end of 2008.
The rest of 1,817 people will be laid off in 2009 and 2010, when the last forests are returned to former owners.

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