Romanian Government Allots RON43M From Reserve Fund For Pensions Payments

Romania’s Government decided on Friday to supplement the budget of its Labor Ministry with RON43.2 million from its 2018 Reserve Fund, to be used for the payment of pensions and old age benefits.


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Romanian Government Allots RON43M From Reserve Fund For Pensions Payments

Labor Minister Marius Budai announced that the measure was taken due to higher pension costs than initially anticipated, and also due to more expenses from a higher postal tax.

“There was higher spending than that initially estimated due to the fact that new retirement cases were brought into the pensions system in a bigger number than anticipated, but also due to a 10% rise in expenses for sending and paying rights financed from the social security budget at the beneficiary’s home, due to a 1.1% increase of the mail tax,” the minister said at the end of Friday’s cabinet meeting.

Of the sum, RON42.5 million will be used for the payment of pensions and the postal fee, while RON670,000 will go towards to fee for pensions, benefits and grants paid from the state budget.

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