Romanian Modern Retail Rose By 100 Units In 2010

Some 100 stores were opened last year in Romanian modern retail (supermarkets, hypermarkets, discount stores), amounting to a total 642 units at the end of the year, according to research company Nielsen.


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Romanian Modern Retail Rose By 100 Units In 2010

"There were decreases in the number of kiosks and medium-sized stores, but the number of stores wider than 40 sqm increased," said Bogdana Baltasiu, Client Service Manager Customer Research within Nielsen.

According to the ShopperTrends 2011 study compiled by Nielsen, supermarkets registered the highest number of new stores launched in 2010, outranking discounters, who topped the chart in 2009.

In this context, the modern retail channel covered 48% of overall retail in 2010, compared to 41% in 2009.

Thus, the bulk of Romanian spending targeted hypermarkets (42%), supermarkets (18%) and discounters (18%).

The ShopperTrends 2011 survey was compiled between October 2010 and November 2010, using a sample of 1,200 people.

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