Romanian News Television Vox News To Go On Air By Yearend

News television station Vox News received Tuesday the audiovisual license from the Romanian National Council for the Audiovisual (CNA) and will go on air by the end of the year, according to station manager Emil Jascau.


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Romanian News Television Vox News To Go On Air By Yearend

The CNA analyzed Tuesday the request issued by SC Sport Channel SRL for a satellite audiovisual license for Vox News. Vox News belongs to the company Sport Channel SRL, founded in June 2009, whose shareholders include SC Roxman Investment SRL (80%), held by Neculai Cretu - 45 % and Magdalena Cretu - 55%, and SC Global Alloys SRL (20%), held by Neculai Cretu - 60% and Emil Marian - 40%.

The meeting at the CAN was attended by Emil Jascau, general manager of Vox News, Mihai Martu – technical manager, Anca Gradinariu – program manager and Mircea Ban – financial manager.

Jascau said Vox News would be “a social and news television”, going on air towards the end of the year.

Vox News will have some 130 employees, including ten news operators.

The initial expenses for Vox News are estimated at EUR2,677,800 until May 2010. Investment in equipment reaches $1,040,000 plus VAT.

At the same time, SC Sport Channel estimates for the first 12 months from the launch of Vox News that advertising revenues will reach EUR1,134,000.

At the moment, the news television segment in Romania is disputed between Antena 3 and Realitatea TV.


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