Romanian Online Store eMAG Starts Selling Books

Online store eMAG on Friday said it has widened its portfolio to include books, planning to become the top book retailer within the year.


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Romanian Online Store eMAG Starts Selling Books

"Our target is to become the largest book vendor in Romania within a year at most," company development manager Radu Apostolescu said in a news release.

The company said books are some of the first products sold online in Romania, but investment was limited on this segment so far.

"Given the upward trend seen by online book sales on an international level, investing on the book market would represent a strategic direction for eMAG," the company noted.

Along with Asesoft Distribution and Flanco, eMAG is part of a group of companies owned by businessman Iulian Stanciu.

On the book segment, the company competes against Carturesti, Diverta, Humanitas and Nemira.

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