Romanian Opp Returns To State Budget Debates After Agreement With Ruling Party Lawmakers

Romanian opposition social democrat and liberal lawmakers Saturday afternoon decide to return to the meeting of the Parliament’s budget and finance committees debating the draft 2011 state budget, after they had left debates and caused the meeting to be suspended.


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Romanian Opp Lawmakers Return To State Budget Debates After Agreement With Ruling Parties

The Chamber of Deputies budget committee president, social democrat Viorel Stefan, said the Opposition decided to attend the meeting after ruling coalition lawmakers agreed with four amendments.

According to Stefan, one of the amendments increases the High Court of Justice 2011 budget by 52 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2899), of which RON10 million will be allotted through the budget law and RON42 million will be granted at the first budget revision. The amendment was adopted unanimously.

Prime Minister Emil Boc Saturday met with ruling party lawmakers in an attempt to unblock the activity of the budget and finance committees, which was suspended in the afternoon over lack of quorum.

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