Romanian Opp Social Democrats Challenge Unitary Wage Law At Constitutional Court

The Romanian Social Democratic Party on Thursday challenged the unitary wage law at the Constitutional Court, after the opposition’s no-confidence motion over the normative act was rejected in Parliament.


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Romanian Opp Social Democrats Challenge Unitary Wage Law At Constitutional Court

Social democrats claim the unitary wage law breaches several articles of the Constitution, which concern salary rights.

The party also grounds its notification on a previous Constitutional Court ruling, which says the 25% wage reduction can be considered constitutional only if applied temporarily, namely until December 31, 2010.

The Government survived a fourth no-confidence motion this year as none of the MPs cast a vote on the motion Thursday, after a man working for the public television jumped from one of the room's balconies.

Prime Minister Emil Boc sought lawmakers' confidence vote on the wage bill for 2011 and the unitary wage bill on December 14. Following the Government's move to have the two bills passed into legislation, the opposition submitted two no-confidence motions in parliament, one for each of the two normative acts.

The no-confidence motion targeting the 2011 wage bill was rejected by lawmakers Monday.

Opposition liberals have also notified the Constitutional Court on the Government's confidence-vote procedures to push the wage bills through parliament. The Court will examine liberals' notification on December 28.

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