Romanian Paul Constantin Pepene Gets Gold In U23 World Skiing Championship

Romanian Paul Constantin Pepene won Saturday the gold medal in the U23 World Skiing Championship on the 15+15 km pursuit course, unfolded in Hinterzarten (Germany), according to the official website of the competition.


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Romanian Paul Constantin Pepene Gets Gold In U23 World Skiing Championship

Paul Constantin Pepene, aged 22, finished the race with a time 1:25:45, while second place went to Norway's Ole-Marius Bach (1:25.11) and third place was taken by German Andreas Katz (1:25.11).

The day before, Friday, Romanian Petrica Hogiu won silver on the 20 km pursuit course. Hogiu, aged 19, started the race in the sixteenth position and finished the race in 57 minutes and 35 seconds, while first place went to Russian Petr Sedov who finished the race 41 seconds before Hogiu. Third place went to Norwegian Finn Haagen Krogh, who arrived three second after Hogiu.

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